Almond 'Buttermilk'

*Use for any recipe that calls for buttermilk

I've been looking for an alternate for buttermilk for years and I could never find it.  Regular milk has give me stomach issues as I have gotten older.


Also purchasing a half gallon or quart of buttermilk can be pricey at times and it doesn't last that long.  Make buttermilk as you need it.
Strawberry Meyer Lemon Cake

Great for any recipe that calls for buttermilk.  I have used Almond 'Buttermilk' to make sweet things like pancakes and cakes.  As well as savory items like biscuits and quick breads.

Vanilla Bean Loaf Cake

You won't miss the diary buttermilk once you start making this.

What you need:
Almondmilk- it can be sweetened or unsweetened depending on what you using it for.  Use sweetened for sweeter items like cakes and pancakes and unsweetened for savory items like breads or biscuits. Or you can use unsweetened completely. 
Vinegar- any type will work I just like to use Apple Cider Vinegar.

1 tablespoon of Apple Cinder Vinegar

Whisk together almondmilk and vinegar.

Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Depending on the amount of milk it might take longer.

Better to make as needed and not make a big batch.


  1. Oh wow these pancakes look amazing and I love that you can make a big batch to use. With six of us in our house we definitely go through a fair amount of batter!

    1. Here's a link to the pancake recipe Its super yummy and can easily be doubled or tripled.

  2. Man. Those breads and cakes look so good. I love almonds and have been very disappointed that our almond milks contain so much garbage in them. I will have to check out this brand and try to make almond buttermilk,

    1. I wish the almondmilks didn't have so much stuff but in my opinion its better than drinking regular milk. I'm going to try to make my own so it won't have so many other ingredients.

  3. OOh the vanilla butter cake looks rather tasty. I too have issues with too much dairy so almond buttermilk sounds ideal when I need to take a break from dairy x

    1. To me it makes whatever you are baking or cooking makes it less heavy or give an uncomfortably stuffed feeling when you eat more than one serving.

  4. I've been making my own almond milk for the longest time .. but never thought about turning it into buttermilk as well! This I've gotta try .. buttermilk pancakes are my favorite!

    1. Buttermilk pancakes are one of my favorite breakfast items as well.

  5. I've never tried almond buttermilk but can't wait to give it a try! Also, that Strawberry Meyer Lemon Cake looks incredibly delicious!

    1. I will be posting the recipe for the Strawberry Meyer Lemon Cake real soon so keep a look out for this coming week.

  6. I would love to try the Strawberry Lemon Cake. But the pancakes sound just as yummy to me as well.

    1. I will be posting the recipe for the Strawberry Meyer Lemon Cake real soon so keep an eye for it.

  7. These pancakes looks so scrumptious hahaha! It's early right now and I'm thinking to go to IHOP for a quick one, but I think I'll try your recipe:)

    1. These are so much better for you then IHOP pancakes because you make the pancakes yourself and know what's in them.

  8. This looks good! I'm definitely going to try out this recipe

    1. It is really good and not that heavy feeling.

  9. The dishes you have made with this buttermilk looks delicious! Unfortunately i am allergic to nuts so almond buttermilk ins't an option for. I'm sure there are alternatives though!

    1. Try using soymilk, I used it in the pancake recipe before and works great.

  10. It looks like you can make many recipes with buttermilk! My favorite would be the pancakes. I also use almond milk into all my recipes because I am lactose intolerant.

    1. Happy to help you. My favorite recipe to use almond buttermilk is pancakes as well.

  11. Oh myyy this looks so freakin' good!! Bookmarking this for future reference xx

    PS. Do you think this takes longer than an hour to make for a beginner? Lol

    1. Depending on the recipe no it shouldn't take longer than an hour. Just to make the almond buttermilk it only takes like a minute to make and ten to fifteen minutes to let it sit.

  12. I hadn't even thought about making buttermilk before but this looks yummy, especially for cakes. Thanks for the recipe!! 💚


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