Easy as Pizza Pie Dough

I like my pizza very well done.

I love pizza. 

I can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Can eat it hot or cold.  Seven days a week but I don't have any pizza places around where I live that are so good that I'll tell my friends.


Left to Right: Bread Flour, Honey, Sea Salt, Dry Active Yeast, All purpose Flour. Back: Yellow Corn Meal

Bread Flour gives chewy crust because it has more gluten than all purpose flour.
Yellow Corn Meal gives the pizza crust more texture and non-sticking property to the pan or pizza stone.
Dry Active Yeast make sure its dry active yeast and rapid rise yeast.  It may rise to fast and not give it the same flavor of a slower rising dough.

Yields: Up to 4 pizza dough balls.
Time:  4 hours
*7 to 8 cups of Flour
   *5 cups of Bread Flour
   *3 cups of All Purpose Flour
*1/4 to 1/2 cup of Yellow Corn Meal
*3 1/2 cups of warm water
*1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons of Dry Active Yeast
*2 tablespoons of Honey or Sugar
*1 tablespoon of Sea Salt
*1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
Large Bowl for mixing
Large Tubberware for proofing

 In the mixing bowl, combine warm water, yeast and honey together and let it bloom for 10 minutes.
After yeast mixture is fully bloomed combine bread flour, two cups of all purpose flour, sea salt, olive oil and yeast mixture together.
I mixed the dough using a spoon for five minutes then let it sit in a warm place in your kitchen for 2 hours.

After it has proofed for 2 hours, it would have double in size. Tip it over onto a floured and corn meal surface and kneed for 10 minutes.
Divide the dough up into 4 round dough balls and let the proof an hour.

 Wrap unused dough in cling wrap then a ziplock bag place it in the freezer until you need to use it.  

To Bake:
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Stretch dough out and press on the pizza pan. Spread pizza sauce onto dough then sprinkle cheese of your choice, I like to use a mix of parmesan and mozzarella cheese.   
Sprinkle on your favorite toppings, I like pepperoni and turkey sausage.
Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.


  1. Oh WOW this looks amazing! I went gluten free almost two years ago and the thing I miss the most is pizza. This looks absolutely delicious!!

    1. You probably could sub gluten free flour for the bread flour.

  2. Oh yum!! I love homemade pizza, this looks fairly easy to make! I might have to try it this weekend!!

    1. It is super easy. I make enough to freeze and just pop in the fridge the day before I want to back it.

  3. Yum! I would totally eat this. I prefer my pizza a little less done. But, I'd still eat it! lol

    1. I like my pizza a little more done because of cheese. Burnt cheese is the best kind. lol

  4. I bet my husband would love it if I made these! He goes crazy for pizza. I am a bit more picky with my toppings,.

    Ivelisse | CarnationDreams.com

    1. I am picky too. I only like maybe three different items on pizza, excluding cheese.

  5. I bake a pizza quite often, I stumbled upon a really nice recipe that makes the dough fluffy and tasty, it looks similarly to yours :) so I believe your pizza is delicious too! :)

    1. Oh yes, really delicious. The cornmeal just gives it an extra crunch.

  6. never tried making Pizza base from scratch!! I need to try this ..coz my daughter loves pizza...she has to have it atleast once a week.. this would help!

    1. I also need to eat pizza at least once a week. Once you make this pizza dough you will never want to order out again. I haven't.

  7. I'll definitely be showing this one to my boyfriend. He's been on a "making all things bread related" bender the ast couple weeks, so he will definitely enjoy it.

    1. Sweet. I have also been a making all things bread lately and always looks for recipes to make yummy bread.

  8. You can never go wrong with pizza! It doesn't look too difficult to make the dough, which is good. I love turkey sausage.

    1. It is so good. I used Jennie-O turkey sausage and it is less greasy than any pork sausage which wouldn't go on the pizza and somewhat less fat than pork sausage.

  9. I have a tendency to eat a pizza a lot of the time, a way of giving it more of a unique edge seems amazing, with simpler ingredients hopefully it may even be a little bit healthier too.

    1. Well if you use honey in the crust it is a little healthier. You could also sub the 3 cups of all purpose flour with whole wheat flour.

  10. What a fantastic recipe, we are big pizza eaters in my home. Instead of splurgng why not make our own, fun for the whole family.

    1. You can make at least three for the price of one at some pizza places and you know what you are putting in it and on it.

  11. I love making my own pizza, they're always so much tastier than shop bought I think!

  12. oooo yum! homemade pizza is always better than store bought! this recipe seems pretty simple and since I'm not a pro at cooking it's perfect for me. I'll have to try it out

    1. It is super easy recipe for us non pro chefs.

  13. This pizza looks absolutely amazing! My mouth watered just by looking at these pictures! Seriously :)

  14. Whenever I try to make something using yeast, it never rises. I know I'm doing something wrong but I have no idea what it is lol Your pizza looks DELICIOUS!

    1. Yeast is a very temperamental little suckers. You have to have to right temperature of water around 165 degrees or for me if I can leave my hand in the water without it burning me its right temperature.

  15. OMG...that looks so good. I like my pizza a little over cooked too! I'm definitely going to have to try this.


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