Doughnut Muffins

I for-one love doughnuts but they don't love me. Where I live we really don't have an amazing doughnut shop that's within a 20 mile radius and don't run out before I wake up (I normally wake up when a lot of doughnut shops close).
I've seen doughnut muffins around the internet and on my favorite cooking shows but I could never find them around so as usual I had to make them. Last month I went onto Amazon to do a little shopping for some cooking supplies like a new muffin pan and some other fun stuff. So I got a new muffin or cupcake pan that said it was King Size. When I saw the pan I didn't think it was going to be that big but when I received I was pleasantly surprised. (Click on the link below)
To me it didn't look that big until I received it. They do not joke around when they say its KING size. Its about twice the size of a regular muffin pan.
Today I had a little help from my 6 year old niece, Kayleigh, who came to spend the night. She loved helping me making the doughnut muffins and really loved them as well so they are kid-approved (those are the little hands you might see in a couple of pictures).
Things you'll need:
1 Wilton King-Size Muffin Pan or 2 to 3 Wilton Regular Size Muffin Pan
Noncooking Spray
Pastry Brush
3 small bowls

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Why I chose Saigon Cinnamon instead of regular Cinnamon? I personally think it has more of a cinnamon flavor like a cinnamon stick and is sweeter. It can be a little pricier than regular cinnamon. Specialty stores have it on sale or Amazon has it for reasonable price its worth the try.

Sorry if the videos are small and might not be clear.

Yields: Regular Pan 12 to 18 muffins
            King-Size Pan up to 12 muffins
Prep time: 15 minutes
Baking time: Regular Pan 15 to 20 minutes
                      King-Size Pan 25 to 30 minutes
Doughnut Muffins
6 cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour
1 1/2 cups Sugar
1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar
2 teaspoons Fine Sea Salt
1 Tablespoon+2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 teaspoon Saigon Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Ground Ginger
1/4 teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
1 cup Canola Oil
1/2 cup Unsalted Butter, melted and cooled
1 cup Buttermilk, I used Almond Buttermilk
1/2 cup Milk, I used Unsweetened Almondmilk
4 eggs
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Bean Sugar
1 cup Sugar, I recommend not using refined
2 Vanilla Beans, split and scrapped

Cinnamon Sugar
1 cup Sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons Saigon Cinnamon
1 1/2 cups Unsalted Butter, melted and cooled

1.)Microwave 1 stick (1/2 cup) of butter in 30 second intervals until completely melted. Let it cool slightly.
2.)Whisk together sugar, dark brown sugar, oil and cooled melted butter. Add baking powder, baking soda and sea salt. Mix well.
3.)Sift in flour two cups at a time.
4.)Add eggs and buttermilk. Whisk together then add in milk.
5.)Whisk in cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger only two to three times.
6.)Cover and chill for 1 hour.

While the batter is chilling combine vanilla bean scrapping from two vanilla beans with sugar, either whisk or break up the vanilla bean seeds with fingers. For cinnamon sugar, combine sugar and cinnamon stir gently.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray muffin tins with nonstick cooking spray. With an ice cream scooper or piping bag using a ziplock bag, fill cups 2/3 full. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes if using the regular muffin tin or 25 to 30 minutes if using the King Size pan.
Stick a toothpick into a muffin, if it comes out clean it is ready.
Let the muffins cool for five minutes in the pan then let them cool on a wired rack completely.
Melt 1 and 1/2 sticks (3/4 cups) of butter, let it cool slightly. Dip one doughnut muffin in melted butter, coat the muffin well using a rolling and brush method then roll muffin in either the vanilla bean sugar or cinnamon sugar well.

Let the sugar coating set for 5 to 10 minutes before consuming.
Warning: They are really delicious and you might eat them all in one sitting.

Check out this link
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  1. Donut Muffins sound amazing! Two of my favorite guilty pleasures combined into one. I am def going to try to make these with my kids! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  2. This looks like a sugary cinnamon bomb of deliciousness

  3. These look so delicious! I've got to try this!

  4. Those look really delicious!

  5. You had me at

  6. I've never heard of such a thing, but these sound deadly! I love cinnamon sugar too. :-)
    Cheers, Sarah Camille //

  7. These look SO good, and not terribly difficult to make. I'm going to veganize them!

    1. They are easy to make even for kids can make them. I was going to add that you can use vegan butter or coconut oil but forgot.

  8. These look delicious! I can't wait to try them out (:

  9. I bet your kitchen smells amazing after baking these..what a mash up!

  10. Wow! That IS King size, I love it! Cinnamon sugar anything makes my day! I especially love cooking with little ones, it's a perfect way to instill a love of it in them. Just don't forget to have them help with the clean up 💕

    1. She did help me clean up. She was all about helping me.

  11. HUBBA HUBBAAAA!!!! That sugar crust-dusting has me weak in the knees!

  12. These look absolutely delicious! I'm a sucker for sugar and that sugar coating just did me in

  13. Damn it. Now I am sitting at my desk craving doughnuts!

  14. Why I needed to read this almost at night... So hungry now. Looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing

    1. You are so welcome. I hope you have Sugar Dreams. lol

  15. Wow! They look amazing! Perhaps something I'll make around Christmas

    1. That sounds like a great idea for Christmas.

  16. would love some! they look so good! really got out my sweet tooth! and awesome combo! donut muffin

    XOXO //
    SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger

  17. Oh, this looks so tasty! I definitely need to try this recipe. It's been too long since I've had a doughnut!

    1. It has been a while for me a well and this is better.

  18. Umm....these look amazing! My family would eat them all in a day I'm sure. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I absolutely love donuts! But I haven't tried making them ever. These doughnut muffins seems like such a great alternative! :)

  20. These look and sound so scrumptious, I cannot wait to try!

  21. These are divine. I bet your niece had a blast helping. Love that you shared this experience with her.

    1. She defiantly did. She cannot wait to help me again with a different recipe.

  22. Wow! These look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  23. I think my daughter would love these. They look so yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  24. I've been craving donuts like crazy these past couple of days! I'm definitely going to make these because they look so good!

  25. I could just eat everything on your blog!!! Looks so good!


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