Strawberry Lemon Sugar Cookies

Fresh local Louisiana strawberries and refreshing zesty lemons in a lightly sweet sugar cookie then dipped into lemon icing.
Strawberry season is in full bloom in Louisiana right now, its a little delayed this year because of the actually cold winter. It was a real shocker because we normally don't have that cold of winter for that long.
That is what inspired me to make this sugar cookies because the strawberries are now in season where I live and now I can get them from a local place. One of the farms are actually about a 15 minute drive and you can go pick strawberries yourself.
During strawberry season they have a festival, that has been around for over 40 years, where they have local business that make a lot of food with strawberries.

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Strawberry Lemon Sugar Cookies

Prep 15 minutes
Baking: 1 hour
Chilling: 3 to 4 hours


Strawberry Lemon Sugar Cookies
1 cup Unsalted Butter, softened
3 1/2 cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour plus a little for dusting
1 1/2 cup Granulated Sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
2 Tablespoons Lemon Zest, 2 to 3 lemons
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
2 teaspoons Fresh Orange Juice, 1/2 an orange
2 teaspoons Orange Zest
1 1/2 cup Fresh Strawberries, washed and chopped
Sprinkles, for decoration

Lemon Royal Icing
2 egg whites 
1/2 teaspoon Cream of Tatar
4 cups Confectioners' Sugar
2 teaspoon Lemon Zest, 1 or 2 lemons
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice, 2 to 3 lemons

1. Chop strawberries into small pieces, set aside.  Zest lemons and oranges, set aside. Juice lemons and orange using a piece of cheesecloth or mesh strainer.
2. In a medium size bowl, combine flour, salt, and baking powder.  In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Lower the speed of your mixer then add strawberries, lemon zest and orange zest. Add vanilla extract and egg. Slowly add in flour mixture a cup at a time. 
3. Divide and flatten dough into two. Wrap in clingwrap and chill for 3 hours or freeze for 2 hours.
4. Cover two to three cookie sheets with parchment paper. Set aside. Lightly flour a clean surface then roll out into a large rectangle to 1/2 inch thick. Press cookie cutter into dough and place onto prepared cookie sheet. Chill for another 30 minutes or until firm.
5. For lemon royal icing: In a mixing bowl, dissolve cream of tartar into the egg white. Add 1 tablespoons to the egg white and whip for 5 minutes or until soft peaks. Lower the speed of your mixer to add the confectioners' sugar a cup at a time. Add lemon zest. Bump up the speed of your mixer and beat for another 5 minutes. Add last tablespoon of lemon juice. Cover and set aside.
6. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake cookies for 8 to 11 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Let the sugar cookies cool on the cookie sheet for 10 minutes then transfer to wired rack to cool completely. Add water to the icing to thin out. Dip cookies into the icing and decorate with sprinkles, if desired. Let royal icing set completely, about 30 minutes to 1 hour, before consuming.


  1. It looks really very tasty biscuits. So, I want to pay tribute from the monitor. Very good photos look so delicious. And the squads are not hard to make themselves.

  2. These look fantastic! I love the combination of lemon and strawberry. I'll have to make these for my kiddos!

  3. These look so delicious! You share the best recipes. I'll have to try this one. Thanks!!!

  4. Wow do these look good! I love fresh strawberries, so I'm sure adding them to a cookie would be AH-MAZING! - Melissa

  5. Wow do these look good! I love fresh strawberries, so I'm sure adding them to a cookie would be AH-MAZING! - Melissa

  6. Wow do these look good! I love fresh strawberries, so I'm sure adding them to a cookie would be AH-MAZING! - Melissa

  7. These are beautiful! Not only do I love sugar cookies but I LOVE anything with lemon zest! I'm gluten free, but I can easily convert this to a gf recipe!! :)

  8. Nice!
    I have a weakness for pastries and this sugary treat is definitely right up my alley! Gonna see if I can whip a batch up over the weekend... And yaaay the weather is looking better now!

  9. Delicious! I love the combination of strawberries and lemon.

  10. These cookies look so yummy! I love anything with strawberries in them.

  11. You've combined two of my most favorite ingredients and made it into a cookie. I LOVE THIS!! I grew up eating lemon cookies from the corner store in Brooklyn and I love strawberries. The tangy and sweet combination makes me happy. I will definitely need to try this recipe. Thanks.

  12. These look so delicious! I always love the added zing of lemon zest to anything. Great combination.

  13. These look great. I really like lemon anything and especially with berries.

  14. Woww! This looks so delicious! Love the combination of strawberry and lemons. This is a must try!

  15. I love strawberries because they are tasty and full of nutritions. Now I know how to make them even more tastier.

  16. These looks like lovely cookies. I like the shapes you chose and I always feel lemon adds a lovely kick to a cookie. They look delicious.

  17. These look and sound very light and delicious! Something about baked goods with fruit in them they just seem so fresh and spring like. Maybe it is because it is still in the 30's here and off an on snow. I want a couple of these cookies right now.

  18. They seem delicious, I'll definitely try to do them.

  19. I'm not a big fan of lemon in sweets but these sound delicious. I love strawberry lemonade and that's what this sounds like wrapped up in a yummy sugary cookie.

  20. Oh my god these look out of this world delicious. I love that you garnished them with a glaze and lemon zest.

  21. These are so cute and I love the flavor combination. They look delicious, good jjob!

  22. Love how you use fresh indgredients and it really looks amazing and tasty! Thanks for sharing! :)

  23. Omg the first thing I thought when i saw these cookies was strawberry lemonade. These cookies look so yummy for the spring and summer season!

  24. i love the combination. its so mouthwatering. i love it. <3 thank you for sharing

  25. Girl, your food photography is on point! These are so pretty and delicate. I can just see them at a baby or bridal shower. They look so tasty too!

  26. This would be my husband's dream cookie!! Good thing his birthday is coming up, hopefully I can sneak a batch of these into his gift to surprise him :)

  27. Oh, this looks super yummy. I will definitely have to try this. I love trying new recipes!!

  28. This recipe combines two of mine and my children's favorite flavors. Strawberry and lemon combined sounds like a perfect combination for my family. We will be making some of these this weekend for sure. Thank you for a great post.

  29. Oh my goodness my two favorite flavors together!, this sounds absolutely delicious!!!! Daisy

  30. Sugar cookies are so yum! These look so great and I love that they're made with real fruit strawberries!

  31. Lemon cookies are my favorite. Still not sure if lemon and strawberry work nice together.. I think the only way to know is to try!

  32. As always delicious and delicious cookies.
    Take and eat. It's easy to make oneself.

  33. It even got cold in Los Angeles late in the season this year. Which is weird because we barely have winter. The strawberry lemon cookies look amazing.

  34. I think the lemon will even out the sweetness of these cookies. And this is exactly how I like my cookies to be, not too sweet!

  35. These look so good! I’m excited to see that you used real strawberries to make them!

  36. Strawberry lemonade is one of my favorite drinks. I'd love to make these cookies. I can practically smell it through the screen. Thanks for sharing.

  37. Yum!! These look like the perfect spring time cookie, especially after picking your own strawberries. Sounds like a delightful day!

  38. I bet these cookies taste amazing. I don't bake a ton and if I make cookies, I stick to traditional chocolate chip or snickerdoodles. Strawberry lemonade is my favorite so I am sure that I would love these cookies too.

  39. Oh, this looks super yummy. I will definitely have to try this. I love trying new recipes!!

  40. I love the combination of strawberry and lemon! I have to try these. They'd be the perfect treat for summer!

  41. this looks so delicious :) i will try this out for sure. thank you for sharing the recipe :)

  42. These cookies sounds like they would be amazing. I love strawberry lemonade and so I am sure that I would love these.

  43. These cookies sound really tasty! I love the idea of lemon paired with strawberry. Yum!

  44. My kids loved it and also their classmates as they’ve shared it to them. Now my children asks me to make again.

  45. I would have tried this in a heartbeat i I were a lemon fan. Love the shape though!

  46. Such a lovely combination! I would love to try these cookies. They look so good and I'm sure they're perfect with tea!

  47. My friend was just looking for a treat recipe that involves berries ad lemons. I can't believe I just found this, it's a perfect recommendation. 15 minutes is easy peasy for some delicious cookies like this.

  48. I just love strawberry lemonade so I bet these cookies are fantastic! Lemon anything is pretty much my favorite type of dessert.

  49. Hi Luci! These cookies look delicious and they are very pretty. I totally miss baking. I got so tied up at work that I haven't baked something in a while but I would definitely try this recipe you shared.

  50. Ahhhh I just bought a whole bunch of fresh strawberries. Perfect timing!

  51. These strawberry lemon cookies look so delicious, love the presentation. It would be great for self or for get-together. My kids would love these, thank you for sharing the recipe.

  52. I just can't wait for a strawberry season to start in my country! I'll use your strawberry cookies recipe, it looks very easy and fast to cook!

  53. Those look delicious ... While I am not into baking but would love to try them.


  54. Wow, these look fab - made me peckish just looking at the wonderful photos!

  55. Ok, these cookies look sooo bomb, your pictures were making my mouth water. I'm definitely going to have to make these soon

  56. These looks soooo good! We just had our strwberry festival in Plant City, FL

  57. I love how you have unique your recipes are!

  58. I love the zestiness that the lemon is giving these cookies. Will definitely try it out soon!

  59. I love strawberries. What a perfect combination. They look so delicious. Looking at the pictures, really makes me hungry.

  60. You always post such amazing recipes! This one combines three of my fave things - strawberries, lemonade and sugar! Another recipe to save and make!

  61. Nice to hear about the strawberry festival, I didn't know that existed! These biscuits sound absolutely delicious, I'll have to pin this recipe to make some time x

  62. Such colorful presentation, this has to be a big hit with the kids.
    They look so yummy.


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