Wild Berry Pop Tarts

Sweet and tangy jam with mixed berries, blueberry, blackberry, strawberries and raspberries, in a yummy crust and topped with a sweet multi-color glaze.
This pop tart might bring back some memories for those who are kids of the 90's, myself included.
The neon, wild colors of the glaze reminds me of a bunch of clothing that we had. This glaze isn't as bright since I didn't use food coloring.
But these don't have mysterious ingredients like  the one that you get from the store and taste so much better.
 They also aren't full of sugar so if you do give them to your children, you won't feel worried about it.
You can also make ahead and parbake them and freeze them when you want them.

Recipe you may like:
Strawberry Lemon Pop Tarts
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Wild Berry Pop Tarts

Prep- 30 minutes
Chilling- 4 hours
Baking- 12 to 14 minutes


Wild Berry Jam
1 1/2 cups Mixed Berries, Fresh or Frozen
3/4 cup Granulated Cane Sugar
2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice,1 lemon
1 1/2 teaspoons Lemon Zest
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch, can use Tapicoa Starch
1/4 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt
1 teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract

Pastry Crust
1 1/4 cups Unsalted Butter, frozen for 3 to 4 hours
4 1/4 cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour
1/3 cup Granulated Cane Sugar
2 teaspoons Fine Sea Salt
1/4 cup Cold Water
1/4 cup Cold Milk
1 Tablespoon Pure Vanilla Extract

3 cups Confectioners' Sugar
1/4 cup Lemon Juice or Milk
2 Tablespoons Wild Berry Jam, made above
2 Tablespoons Freeze Dried Strawberries

1. Wild Berry Jam: In a large saucepan, add mixed berries, sugar and lemon juice. Turn on the heat on a medium high heat until the berries start to produce juice. Mash them down with a potato masher then bump up the heat to high. Bring to a rolling boil and add the vanilla extract and starch. Stir and mash often so it doesn't burn on the bottom. Should take 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and let cool to room temperature then chill.
2. Pastry Crust: In a large bowl,place milk and water into the freezer.  In a large add 4 cups of flour. Grate frozen butter into the flour and gently work together. Add sugar and salt and gently work with your hands. Add vanilla to the chilled milk/water then add in the butter/flour mixture a tablespoon at a time.
3. Be careful not to over work the dough. The dough will be slightly sticky by still have some flour. Wrap in clingwrap and press into a disk.
4. Chill in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours, about 4 hours in the fridge.
5. Once the dough is completely chilled, divide dough in half then roll to a 1/4 thick on a well floured surface. You can cut in with cookie cutter or free form.
6. Cover one to two cookie sheets with parchment paper, set aside. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
7. Spoon a tablespoons worth of jam on one piece of crust then top it with another and press with your fingers then a fork to seal it. Place prepared tarts in the fridge for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Punch tiny holes on the tops.
8. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Let cool on the sheet pan with 5 minutes then transfer wired rack to cool completely.
9. Glaze- whisk together confectioners' sugar and milk or lemon juice. Take out a couple of tablespoons out and add freeze dried strawberries. Warm about 2 tablespoons worth of jam then squeeze to get some juice out. Spread and drizzle glaze on top and let set for 30 minutes to 1 hour.


  1. These look seriously delicious. So much healthier than store bought Pop Tarts. I am intimidated by making dough but this recipe looks so worth it.

  2. This is one of my favorite flavors! Now I can make them at home!!!

  3. I've never tried making my own pop tarts at home, but this is a super idea! I might make some with the kids this weekend - thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Pop Tarts, everyone loves them, don't they! I love the use of colour in this recipe and look forward to trying it. Cheers

  5. How delicious your pop tarts look, love the step by step pictures, I can't wait to try this!

  6. loving the idea of homemade pop tarts. we used to eat them all the time growing up (another kid of the 90s). these look so fun and pretty easy to make. I'll have to try them out.

  7. These are definitely yummy! Is it possible to "veganize" the pastry crust? I can see myself using milk substitutes, but I'm not sure if foregoing the butter will yield the same results?

  8. I love the fact that they are homemade, my kiddo will love these

  9. They look so bright and colorful! Would love to try these!

  10. Oh my goodness! That looks absolutely mouth watering! Currently drooling and wishing I was eating this right now instead of my mac and cheese. Sigh.

  11. My friend has always loved pop tarts, and I love to cook. Guess we should both try out this recipe

  12. I love part tarts, I have never tried to make them myself so I will have to try this out! My little one will love these!
    xo - Kam

  13. My daughter and I have started bakong eveee Sunday. This is a great idea we could try. Looks yummy too.

  14. Wow these wild berry tarts look so fresh and yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipe :)

  15. These look so delicious and I especially love a home made pop tart rather than the store bought version, plus I can add coconut sugar and stevia to sweeten. I will definitely give this recipe a try and surprise my family - Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. They do look good! I also like that they don't have tons of sugar like the store bought ones. Looks like a great recipe.

  17. Mmm, those pop tarts look incredible! My kids have always loved eating them for breakfast, but I like that these are homemade and use better ingredients than the ones at the store. I bet they'd love to wake up to a fresh batch of these one morning!

  18. I love the idea of using mixed berries instead of just choosing one - yum! I haven't tried to make these before, but now I have to!


  19. Yum! I'm not a big fan of commercial pop tarts but this look and sound amazing!

  20. Ooo how yummy do these look. I love the fact that they are home baked and the flavour of wild berry too xx

  21. I LOVE pop-tarts! I rarely have them, since they’re not very healthy. Yours look so delicious and I know what’s in them! Yum!

  22. Your desserts always look delicious and this one is no exception. YUM!


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