Hot Chocolate French Toast Casserole

This delicious have the filling of Wintertime favorite drink, hot chocolate. This baked French toast has the yummy custard with hot coco, chocolate chips, marshmallows and an eggnog glaze.

Hot chocolate has to be one of my favorite things to have during the wintertime.  Warms you up and you get a dose a chocolate. Who doesn't like that?
I have a confection to make, to don't like my hot chocolate that hot. When I was younger I got some hot chocolate at a gas station and it burnt my tongue really bad.
So after that I couldn't drink it hot again. Now when I make it or purchase it I make sure it lukewarm, I don't want that to happen again.
This French Toast actually contains hot coco mixture not just your regular baking chocolate. Hot chocolate mix has a distinct flavor to it, I believe.
There's also a to die for glaze with another holiday drink, eggnog. The eggnog glaze won't overwhelm you, it just gives you a hint of it if you are not a big fan of eggnog.

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Hot Chocolate French Toast Casserole

Prep- 20 to 25 minutes
Chilling- 5 to 6 hours or overnight
Baking- 45 to 60 minutes


1 to 2 French Bread Loaf, depends on the size of the loaf
1 cup Hot Chocolate Powder plus 1/4 for topping
3/4 cup Granulated Cane Sugar
2 1/2 to 3 cups Whole Milk
8 large eggs
1 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt
1 Tablespoon Pure Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 cup Milk or Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
2 cups Mini Marshmallows

Eggnog Glaze
2 1/2 cups Confectioners' Sugar
1/4 cup Eggnog
Pinch of fine sea salt

1. Coat 13 by 9 casserole dish or 16 by 11 with butter or nonstick cooking spray. Any pan that's at least 2 to 3 inches deep with work. Tear french bread up into large chunks and scatter through out the dish.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla and salt. Whisk together until eggs are broken up. Add in the hot chocolate powder and whisk until powder is dissolved.
3. Pour custard evenly over the bread. Cover the top and place in the fridge for at least 6 hours or overnight.
4. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, sprinkle chocolate chips and additional hot chocolate mixture on top. Cover the top for 30 minutes then remove foil to bake for additional 20 to 30 minutes.  For a firm casserole, bake for 30 more minutes or for a softer texture bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Keep an eye on the top for the marshmallows won't burn.
5. Take out of the oven, it would have puffed up but will sink slightly as it cools down. Let cool for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
6. While it is cooling, whisk together confectioners' sugar, sea salt and eggnog until thick.
7. Scoop out warm baked French toast and drizzle the eggnog glaze over each serving.



  1. The marshmallows make it more tempting.
    The final result is so tempting.

  2. Hot Chocolate French Toast Casserole Sounds yummy. Never heard of it before but sounds interesting. Keshia Richmond

  3. This looks like a delicious wintertime treat! I love hot chocolate and french toast and it looks like you've combined them beautifully!

  4. Wow that looks amazing!! The marshmallows look so good

  5. Pretty sure my kids would be asking for seconds if this were served at my house. Decadent and delicious I am sure. Love it!

  6. What a fun and unique way to treat the family on Christmas morning and throughout the break!

  7. My kids will love this French toast. Maybe for one of their special birthday breakfast meals.

  8. Love that you use an eggnog glaze. So genius!

  9. Wow, this recipe looks SO delicious! I had never considered hot chocolate as a flavor for french toast—I definitely want to try this!

  10. This looks amazing! I love chocolate chips and marshmallows together and with hot cocoa and French toast yes please!

  11. Wow this looks so decadent. I'm vegan so I'd have to end up substituting some of these ingredients with vegan ingredients. However, I could easily make this work. Thank you for the inspo!

  12. This looks so tasty!! I love anything with marshmallows! Happy Holidays!

    -Madi xo

  13. This looks so good! I can't wait to try it!

  14. oh! chocolates really brings the season a delicious vibe! These are my favorite!

  15. Saving this for later this week when I need to feed a hungry crowd. It sure sounds amazing!

  16. What a fantastic mash-up of two winter favorites!

  17. Sounds yummy and reminds me of s’mores!

  18. Just pass me a pot of custard, that is all I am saying.

  19. My never ending hot chocolate love brings me here and this toast just adds moree to my childhood love. Perfect to kill my cravings.

  20. Perfectttt for my very much punctual hot chocolate cravings. Surely recommending this to every chocolate lover i know.

  21. Wow! Hot chocolate and eggnog! That sounds wonderful! I don't think I'd like lukewarm hot chocolate though. Mine needs to be really hot. :)

  22. What a great recipe. I love the marshmallows on top. My kids would love this for breakfast.

  23. Boy do I know a few people who would eat this right up!! YUM!!

  24. this looks amazing especially with the marshmallows on top - this looks like definitely such an indulgent treat!

  25. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth right now and this looks so good. I've been looking for recipes to try out when I go back to my boyfriends place next week. Will definitely check this out!

  26. I will do this and then I can die! For sure - this is the sweetest cake I've ever seen in my LIFE! ��

  27. This looks so delicious I wouldn't want to share with anyone. And I would never have thought of using hot chocolate or eggnog in a recipe, how fantastic. Going to attempt to make this for new year's. Thanks for sharing!

  28. So you definitely had me at chocolate and marshmallows. The whole hot chocolate French toast Casserole looks amazing though I am not the biggest Egg Nog fan. Though I would try it, I may have to either leave the glaze off or perhaps substitute it.

  29. I only recently learned about French toast casserole, and now you blow my mind with this. I imagine my my will just explode upon eating this.

  30. Um, you already 'had me' by the time I had finished reading the title and then I saw the PHOTO! Yum. I've never, ever made French Toast before (and definitely not in a casserole form) but I think I might need to try this now! Plus, eggnog. I mean, this has all of my favourite components! It would be a crime if I didn't at least attempt it, right?

    xo, Victoria

  31. It's the first time I hear about the French toast casserole, looks great, I'm going to give it a try someday. Thank you for sharing this!

  32. Oh my goodness! This looks super delicious. I am definitely going to try this recipe soon to share with my family - maybe for New Years Day! Thank you for sharing this!

  33. Yum, yum, yum! What an amazing recipe! This is a casserole I wish I could have eaten during Christmas, but I'm thinking of now making this for the New Year's!

  34. I just ate lunch but this post is making me hungry! Hot Chocolate French Toast is so perfect for the cold weather!

  35. Oh my goodness, this looks so yummy! I love how you've mixed such delicious ingredients to create this out of this world treat!

  36. great and nice blog thanks sharing..I just want to say that all the information you have
    given here is awesome...Thank you very much for this one.



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