Maple Browned Butter Cinnamon Rolls

Ooey gooey brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and browned butter cinnamon rolls topped with a sweet maple cream cheese icing. These are better than the ones you can go to the store.
Cinnamon rolls have to be one of my favorite foods. It has been since I was a little kid, my family would get the tube kind and have them on Sunday mornings.
Ever since then I have an obsession with anything that is cinnamon and I have to try it at least once.
Y'all might be shocked  but I don't get cinnamon rolls in the tube that often because they are filled with that are not my favorite things.
My obsession with cinnamon rolls was rekindled when I discovered little cinnamon roll snacks a few weeks ago. They were so good.
I've been wanting to make a cinnamon roll recipe for a while and why not now when it is the holidays and its okay to indulge.

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Browned Butter Cinnamon Rolls 

Prep: 20 minutes
Proofing: 2 to 3 hours
Baking: 15 to 20 minutes


Browned Butter Dough
5 cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour plus a little of dusting
1 1/2 Tablespoons Dry Active Yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons Fine Sea Salt
1/2 cup Granulated Cane Sugar
3/4 cup Unsalted Butter, browned and cooled 
3/4 cup Warm Milk
1/2 cup Warm Water
1 large egg

Browned Butter Cinnamon Filling
3/4 cup Unsalted Butter, browned and cooled
1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar
1 1/2 Tablespoons Ground Cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon Ground Clove
1/2 teaspoon Ground Nutmeg 
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
2 teaspoons Pure Maple Extract
1/4 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt

Maple Glaze
2 1/2  cups Confectioners' Sugar
3 tablespoon Unsalted Butter, melted
1 teaspoon Pure Maple Extract or Maple Syrup
3 to 4 Tablespoon Warm Milk
Pinch of Fine Sea Salt

1. In a large bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups flour, yeast on one side and salt on the opposite. Set aside.
2. In a small sauce pan, bring 3/4 cup butter to a simmer for 7 to 9 minutes. Transfer butter to a small bowl to let it cool. Microwave milk, water and sugar for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Just enough that is it steaming and the sugar has dissolved.
3. With a stand mixer with dough hook or hand mixer, on the mixer on low and add in 1/2 of the heat milk-water, egg and butter. Crack up to a medium speed and mix for 2 to 3 minutes.
4. Gradually add in flour a cup at a time until it forms a ball. After adding 2 to 3 more cups add in rest of the milk-water and butter. Mix until is smooth.
5. Tip dough onto a floured bench and kneed for 5 minutes. Place into a slightly greased bowl and let proof for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until it doubles in size.
6. Filling: brown the other 3/4 cup of butter for 7 to 9 minutes. Swirl the pan, do not whisk, constantly.  Take it off the heat and let cool for 10 minutes. Once cool transfer to a small bowl and add in brown sugar, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and salt. Let it set for 15 to 20 minutes.
7. Rolled proofed dough, flour the bench and roll dough into a rectangle and a 1/4 inch thick. Spread browned butter cinnamon filling on top leaving a 1/2 inch border. Roll up into a spiral and pinch the seams. 
8. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a pan large enough for spreading, I used a 13 by 9 cake pan.
9. Using butcher twine, unflavored floss or a knife, cut into separate rolls. You should get at least 12. Place into a grease pan and let proof for 1 hour. I proofed in the counter for 30 minutes and in the fridge for 30 minutes.
10. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Take out of the oven and let cool for 10 or so minutes. Whisk together butter, milk, confectioners' sugar, salt and maple extract. Drizzle glaze oven the rolls. I would let it set for another 5 to 10 minutes before serving.


  1. Oh my goodness, these look and sound delicious! I love cinnamon rolls!

  2. These sound delicious! Cinnamon rolls are such a comfort food for me! My mom makes them during the holidays, so I'll have to make these for her one day!

  3. YUM! These look so good! I've been looking for a delicious cinnamon roll recipe. I'll have to try this one out!

  4. i'm not exactly a big fan of cinnamon rolls, but this one looks so tempting. i'm conflicted between trying to bake some to see how it tastes or just make it a pass. thanks for sharing! :)

  5. Wow!! These sound amazing. I have never heard of the. Made like this before. Must!

  6. These look so amazing Luci! I don't usually eat Cinnamon rolls because I have absolutely no self control and would scarf down the entire tray of those Maple Browned Butter iced rolls! Reminds me of all of our summer vacations in Panama City Beach, Florida. Cinnamon Rolls were the breakfast treat we kept in the hotel room. Thank you so much for the great memory. I bet they smell so good...ugh. I have to go to the gym so I don't go crazy staring at your pics!

  7. These look delicious! And how perfect would they be for Christmas morning?!

  8. These really look so fabulous, would love to try making them. You had me at " Maple" I am Canadian and anything Maple I much I have it in my blog name.. ha ha


  9. Wow I am so going to make these for the holidays when my whole family is home. This is perfect. Thanks so much for sharing and being so descriptive. Happy Holidays to you!

  10. These are some delicious delicacies!
    I absolutely love them! Thanks for sharing this, I might have to try it!

  11. Oh my gosh these look super yummy!!! Perfect for Christmas so thank you for putting me in the Festive mood sp early :)

  12. Yummy... Am really salivation right now, this is so inviting and appetizing.. Wish i can have a taste of this right now.

  13. These cinnamon roll shave my mouth watering! Saving for brunch this weekend!

  14. These sound like the perfect recipe to make the night before Christmas and then bake on Christmas morning.

  15. These would be perfect to serve on Christmas morning! Simple and delicious is my favorite!

  16. These are making me hungry! I never get around to making my own cinnamon rolls but I need to after seeing this!

  17. I love how big and fluffy those cinnamon rolls look.

  18. These cinnamon rolls look very delicious. Although they are not my favorite, I like your recipes, and these do look good. :)

  19. Brown butter just sounds so warm and homey. I tried it once for a recipe and found it harder than expected for me to brown the butter. But I love anything on a cinnamon roll so :)

  20. These cinnamon rolls look incredible with that browned butter filling and maple glaze! I always love having cinnamon rolls around the holidays.

  21. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe so close to Christmas. My husband and I are in charge of Christmas Day Breakfast at my mom's house. Perhaps I will have to give these a try! :)

  22. Oh wow, these look great! I love seeing all of the festive recipes at this time of year and these do not disappoint. Look forward to trying, cheers.

  23. These cinnamon rolls look amazing! I can't wait to try them!

  24. Cinnamon rolls are so delicious! I love the idea of adding maple to the frosting!

  25. Ooh browned butter is such an awesome twist on this classic!

  26. Ooo, yummy! My family has always made cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning since I was a child. I might have to share this recipe with mom this year!

  27. Hello delicious cinnamon roll, please get in my belly! It's been ages since I've made these, really need to try your recipe!

  28. Now I know what I'm going to make for Christmas morning! These cinnamon rolls look outstanding.

  29. Love that you added maple to these! Such a great combo with the cinnamon rolls!

  30. Yummy! I've never made cinnamon rolls but they look not too tricky to make. I bet these would so good for Christmas brunch!

  31. Cinnamon rolls are a family favorite at Christmas time. Looks good!

  32. These rolls are absolutely PERFECT for this time of year! Definitely a must try!

  33. Yummmm! These Maple Browned Butter Cinnamon Rolls look amazing! Homemade baked good are the best! I’ll take two please!

  34. I love cinnamon roll! It's been ages since I've made these, really need to try your recipe!

  35. I love cinnamon rolls. And the aromas in the house when they're baking is happiness.

  36. Yum! My mom has been saying that she wants to make some homemade cinnamon rolls. I'll share this recipe with her...and, of course, I'll help her eat them. :-)

  37. Louise @thesaltedpepperDecember 7, 2018 at 10:25 AM

    Oh wow! This recipe looks fantastic! My husband loves cinnamon rolls and for some reason I don't make them that often, looks like I'll be making a batch of these soon!

  38. I"d be your new best friend if you brought me a plate of these right now! Yum.

  39. I am drooling looking at these pictures. I can imagine myself enjoying these with my coffee. I absolutely love cinnamon rolls.

  40. I have a confession. I've never made cinnamon rolls from scratch (I know, shame on me), but now I feel like I have to because these look incredible!!!

  41. These look absolutely incredible. I'm definitely going to give the recipe a try over the weekend. Hopefully I'll do it justice.

  42. Wow do these look delicious! My husband would LOVE these! :)

  43. If there is something I love to eat it is cinnamon rolls!! I love how you always add a twist to classic recipes :) need to try these, they look so delicious! x

  44. I can literally smell these maple browned butter cinnamon rolls through my computer screen. I am totally making these! Yum!

  45. I love cinnamon rolls and these look so delicious! Definitely a recipe I'd like to try!


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