Meyer Lemon Cream Cheese Blondies

Sweet and tangy blondies with lots of Meyer Lemon zest, Meyer Lemon juice and cream cheese topped with a strawberry glaze.
This is my first post for the New Year and I wanted to do something refreshing. That mean something with lemons and I have been doing a lot of post with chocolate and it needed a brief break.
I'm using Meyer Lemons because it has both the sourness of the a lemon yet has some sweetness from the tangerine or mandarin.
You can tell the different by the color, that would be more of a yellow-orange and slightly bigger.
Since they have a short season I have to make a few recipes with it.
These blondies have a great combination of Meyer lemons and cream cheese. I would say that is a great combination.
I baked these slightly under to get a the gooeyness like a chocolate brownie.

Recipes you may like:
Lofthouse Style Meyer Lemon Sugar Cookies
Meyer Lemon Cranberry Scones
Strawberry Lemon Sugar Cookies


Meyer Lemon Cream Cheese Blondies 

Prep: 45 minutes
Baking: 20 to 25 minutes


1 cup (2 sticks) Unsalted Butter
12 ounces (1 1/2 bricks) Cream Cheese
2 cups Granulated Cane Sugar 
2 1/2 cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour
3 Tablespoons Meyer Lemon Zest
1/4 cup Meyer Lemon Juice
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt
1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder

Strawberry Glaze
1 package Freeze Dried Strawberries
2 cups Confectioners' Sugar
1 Tablespoon Meyer Lemon Juice
2 teaspoons Meyer Lemon Zest
2 to 3 Tablespoons Milk

1. Grate the Meyer lemons into the 2 cups of sugar. Let that sit for at least 30 minutes.
2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line the bottom of a 13 by 9 pan with parchment then spray nonstick spray. Set aside.
3. Whisk together flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Set aside.
4. In a medium sauce pan, melt butter and cream cheese together on low heat. Whisking often so it doesn't burn the bottom, may take up to 15 minutes. It may look curdly at first but keep whisk it will come together. Remove from the heat once melted, add vanilla extract and let cool for 10 minutes.
5. In a large bowl, beat together eggs and lemon-sugar until smooth. Add in lemon juice and beat until just incorporated then add in the butter-cream cheese mixture. Beat until smooth.
6. Add flour mixture to the sugar-cream cheese mixture until well incorporated. The mixture maybe slightly lumpy, that's okay.
7. Pour batter into prepared pan and spread evenly. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes mostly clean. Let pan cool on a wired rack completely.
8. Strawberry Glaze: whisk together confectioners' sugar and Meyer lemon juice. Add lightly crushed freeze dried strawberries and zest. Add in milk a teaspoon at a time until slightly thinned out.  Drizzle glaze over cooled blondies and let set for 1 hour.


  1. Meyer lemons are amazing! I always assumed lemons were lemons until a coworker brought a bag in from his tree back home. These bars look delish.

  2. I am a huge lemon ANYTHING fan. I cannot wait to try this! I usually do a lemon, blueberry mixture but this sounds like it's right up my alley. Thanks!

  3. What a great idea to use freeze dried strawberries for the toppings. These flavors sound wonderful together.

  4. Oh my goodness! Everything about this sounds amazing and delicious! I have to make this stat!

  5. I am totally on-board with gooeyness in brownies. These look so delicious!

  6. Meyer lemon and strawberry is such a great combo. That glaze looks amazing!

  7. wow that sounds yum! I need all of it!

  8. These sound like they are for me. I have a Meyer lemon tree in the backyard. I can't wait till they ripen.

  9. I love any dessert with lemon and strawberry! I'll have to try making these for my family. They'd love them!

  10. Looks super yummy! Pinned for later.

  11. I want that dessert! I have a question. Is there any alternative for Confectioners' Sugar?

  12. Love the idea of lemon with these! They sound yummy!

  13. What a yummy dessert idea. I love using fresh lemon in baking!

  14. These look delish! I really love lemon & I like the idea of adding it to a blondie recipe!

    -Madi xo

  15. Meyer lemons are so delicious. I have a small tree and I love it! How tasty to put that flavor in a blondie. Citrus season is the best.

  16. Lemons are pretty much my all time favorite everything! A fresh dessert for a fresh New Year!

  17. Gosh these look super tasty! Will have to get round to making these this week :-)

  18. these are definitely something i would love to try.. so though i am working on cutting down sugar, i know i will make these and take just a tiny piece at least:)

  19. Look good. My girls would love these. May have to try them out.

  20. I love the flavor of meyer lemons! These bars look and sound delicious, I can't wait t try them!

  21. I love the touch of color you added! I'll have to save this recipe for Easter. My family would love this!

  22. OMG these look amazing! I love that combination of lemon with the strawberry, I wouldn't have thought of that on my own! Adding this to my "To Make" Recipes!

  23. These look really good! They look so moist and yummy! Btw you don't have to take a break from the chocolate either :) !

  24. This sounds like a mouth-watering combination of flavors and textures in one dessert. I think my family would love this. Thank you.

  25. If I only had lemons I would whip these up right now! They sound amazing. I am pinning this for dessert ideas!

  26. You had me at "Strawberry Glaze"! These look terrific!

  27. these look really delicious and now i think i found a new pregnancy craving. sucks i’m the only one in my house who enjoys lemony flavoured food! oh well ! more for me haha. thanks for this recipe!! i have everything already in the home i need too besides the cream cheese

  28. I have a ton of emon at home and I definitely should give this a try.

  29. I love anything lemony and these look super nice, I know I would not stop at one hence me planning to diet every month lol.

  30. There's something incredibly nostalgic about strawberry glaze. It's the flavour of the 90s for me and this looks so yummy.

  31. this is a great sweet post to start your new year with. I love lemon cream cheese desserts. this one is perfect for me.


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