Blueberry Pineapple Cobbler

Inspired by a cocktail in dessert form. This dessert is full of pineapple, blueberries topped with lemon zest and a crispy cobbler topping.
This cross between a crisp and cobbler. It is oats and brown sugar like a crisp but not as cover like a cobbler because it is not completely covered.
You maybe a little curious what's the difference between a cobbler and a pie. A pie has a crust on the bottom and top with fruit in between.
A cobbler only has the 'crust' on the top and usually scattered on top with fruit on the bottom.
The cobbler is like a margarita or a daiquiri that we have around where I live. They come in all different flavors with alcohol.
Pineapple, blueberries and lemon has to be one of my favorite combinations. Lemon adds a little tartness to the sweet pineapple and blueberries.

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Blueberry Pineapple Cobbler

Prep- 15 minutes
Baking- 40 to 45 minutes
Cooling- 15 to 20 minutes


Pineapple Blueberry Filling
3 cups Fresh or Canned Pineapple
4 cups Fresh or Frozen Blueberries
1 cup Granulated Cane Sugar, divided
1/4 cup Unbleached All Purpose Flour, divided
1/4 cup Lemon Juice, divided
3 Tablespoons Lemon Zest
2 teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract, divided

Crispy Cobbler Topping
1 1/2 cups Quick Oats
1 1/4 cup Unbleached All Purpose Flour
1 cup Dark Brown Sugar
3/4 cup Unsalted Butter, melted 
1/2 teaspoon Ground Ginger
1/2 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt

Vanilla Ice Cream or whipped cream, to serve

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and lightly grease a 9 by 13 glass casserole dish. Set aside.
2. If using canned pineapple, drain pineapple from the juice and let it sit for 15 minutes with a paper towel on top.
3 . In two separate bowl,  gently toss blueberries, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Repeat with the pineapple.
4. Add the blueberries to the bottom of the prepared dish and sprinkle on half of the lemon zest. Add the pineapples on top and sprinkle the last of the lemon zest.
5. Combine oats, flour, brown sugar, ground ginger and fine sea salt in a medium size bowl. Add melted butter. Mix with a fork so it will become a crumbly texture.
6. Cover the top of the pineapple and blueberries and place on a cookie sheet to help with possible bubbling.
7. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until bubbly over the edges and topping is crispy. Let it cool for at least 15 to 20 minutes before serving with ice cream or whipped cream.



  1. I love all the fruity flavors in this recipe, blueberry and pineapple are my favorite!!

  2. I haven't had a good cobbler in a very long time. Your recipe gives me incentive to do one myself. thanks!

  3. Great recipe! I love how you converted a cocktail into a dessert. It's just as good as the original!

  4. Blueberry and pineapple sounds fabulous. Love the addition of oats for the crust.

  5. I love the fruit combo in this cobbler! I'd much rather have this treat than the actual cocktail too. Looks so yummy!

  6. Blueberry and pineapple are such a fun and different fruit dessert combination -- sounds super yummy!

  7. Love the combo of blueberry plus pineapple! This looks delish!

  8. Anything with pineapple makes my heart sing! I can't wait to try this recipe.

  9. I would have never thought about this fruit flavor combination! I've seen pineapple used in cake and fruit salads, but never a cobbler before. Yum!

  10. What an interesting combinations of flavors! I never would have thought of mixing the two but color me intrigued!

  11. If it wasn't for the butter this recipe would be totally vegan! So mega :) I love the idea of a cobbler although I would need it to cool down in the weather we are having at the moment :)

    1. I believe you could use a vegan butter or margarine to the topping.

  12. What a creative recipe inspired from cocktails! Blueberry and pineapple are a great mix.

  13. Cobbler is one of the desserts that reminds me of summer! Fresh warm cobbler and yummy ice cream on top is the best! xo - Kam

  14. This looks so good! Never thought of combining blueberries and pineapple together.

  15. NEver would have thought to add pineapple to cobbler. Looks good!

  16. This is so cool. I don't think I have ever combined or had the combination of pineapple and blueberry before. This sounds delicious!

  17. I'm a huge blueberry fan and this looks delish. I can already see myself eating this ice cream on a warm Summer afternoon. Thanks for the tip about the difference between a pie and cobbler :)

  18. I love blueberry cobbler and can't wait to try this variation with pineapple!

  19. This dessert is RIGHT up my street! Pineapple and blueberry is a winning combo for sure.

  20. This sounds like an amazing summer dessert. I'd love it with a bit of vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt, too!

  21. Love the flavours, this is totally my find of dessert! I am a huge fan or crisps and cobblers and blueberries are always such a winner. I have to try this one soon!

  22. YUM! This looks easy to whip up for a special treat!

  23. I love saving your recipes to my Pinterest! Always such delicious and inspiring recipes.

  24. Such a great idea, blueberries and pineapples sounds great together. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  25. Oh my goodness I would have never paired pineapple with blueberry but YUM looks tasty!

  26. I would have never paired the two fruits but sounds delicious!!

  27. This looks great!
    I'd love to taste it if it was vegan-friendly but sadly, it isn't.

  28. This looks delicious. I am not normally a big fan of pineapples but I love blueberries.


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